10 Stereotypes About Pit Bulls That Are Just. Dead. Wrong

These stereotypes about pit bulls are dead wrong. Literally. Some 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters across the country every year, according to the ASPCA. (For comparison, 1.4 million are adopted). While it’s nearly impossible to know exactly how … Read More

5 Pet Owner Hacks That Will Add Years To Your Dog in North Kitsap

If you’re a pet parent like us, the thought that your dog will live somewhere between 10 and 13 years is not something you like to think about. We don’t ever want to face life without our pups! But did … Read More

Turmeric For Dogs in North Kitsap County

If you cook, you may already be familiar with turmeric, but for first timers, here’s a quick culinary lesson to get us started. The turmeric herb, a member of the ginger family, is most commonly known for its deep orange … Read More

How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Really Need in Hansville, WA?

Every time this topic comes up I feel guilty about every dog I have ever owned. I am sure I am not alone in this. I have every excuse in the books; kids, house, job… you’ve heard them all. But … Read More

6 Signs of Separation Anxiety for Dogs in Poulsbo, WA

Coming home to chewed up curtains, dog pee in the carpet, scratch marks on the doors, and neighbors complaining about the noise is a frustrating but common issue dog parents face. All of these things may be a sign of … Read More

Top 20 Supplements For Animals in North Kitsap

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. Feeding your dog a wholesome diet along with the proper supplements will ensure he is getting everything he needs. This article presents a handy A-Z glossary of 20 of the most common vitamins, … Read More

5 Ways to Soothe Anxiety In Dogs

Poor socialization, abuse, traumatic events and even genetics can cause fear-based behaviors in a dog. You can’t undo his past, but you can help alleviate his anxiety. Joe and Melissa adopted a young mixed breed from a rescue group. Shilo … Read More

Top 10 Foods for your Dog’s Vision

Packed with nutrients, these colorful foods can help keep his eyes sharp by protecting against a variety of vision problems. Eye health in dogs has become the talk of the town. There’s more and more discussion about eye disease and vision … Read More

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